Tips on dealing with bid investment with high return.

Don't believe the investment WILL DEFINITELY benefit the percent said. The investment is not there something else for sure, unless such a low returnnya investment savings are guaranteed by Lps (LPS) until a certain value.
Make sure that the person/company who made the offer have the permission or at least to register your account in the company that has permission from the Government. If your funds are managed in such Online Trading Forex transactions then the Company where your funds are listed must have permission from BAPPEBTI, KBI and MANOJ (Please ask for proof if anyone offers Investment like this to you).


A Trade business license (SIUP) NOT PERMIT gathering together to do Community funds and investment management
Don't be tempted by the promise of an unnatural advantage

Existing investment element such as rekrutan very barbahaya, because MLM is going to lead to a ponzi scheme.
Check whether the investment offering has offices in a clear and legally clear. But don't forget that any official would be problematic, for example, companies that offer investment gold and menjajikan return monthly. What if the price of gold fell 50% like that ever happened of yore?

A Common Form Of Illegal Products Offered

Fixed income products, which are not affected market movement
The stash, which resembles banking products (savings or deposits), where in some cases in the form of letter Delivery Order (D/O) or securities issued a firm
The inclusion of capital investment, in which the funds collected from the public are promised will be placed on more than one financial instrument or on the real sector;
Online investment Program over the internet, promising a refund of investments on a regular basis

Characteristics Of Illegal Products General Offered

Yield (return) of the benefits offered are very high (not unreasonable) and or in the amount for sure.
Investment products offered by appointment will be secured by a specific instrument such as the Giro or guaranteed by certain parties such as the Government, banks and others
Use the name of big companies unlawfully to convince potential investors;
Community funds is not recorded in a segregated account.

Be a Smart Investor

Most of us like to online investment whose name (e.g. Forex Trading), how not, with small capital and without the need for rugged work a person can receive abundant results results can be even more than what comes from the people who are working offline but Beware if you accept an offer of managing the investment funds or an enticing like that because it could be the offer instead is detrimental to You in the future.
The big picture example of Trading in INVESTMENT ONLINE

In order to get a rough picture about Trading, imagine the ball game tickets for tomorrow as an asset or commodity. Tickets will only be supplied on a match with the official price of  50,000 counters, so currently you can not buy it. A brokers convince you that she can buy a ticket for the match and can sell to you for  80,000 now. Because you believe that ticket prices will go up more counters outside of  80,000, and you think can benefit when buying these tickets, then you bought the ticket at a price of  80,000 of touts, though you do not like the match ball and you're not going to use that ticket to watch. As a sign of your deposit so buy  30,000 to the brokers. The brokers also said if you do not want to use the tickets to watch, then he is willing to trade off the tickets outside the ticket office in accordance with the market price. The brokers are also said to you that you can cancel the purchase of the ticket.

The next day turned out to be very successful, ticket sales in counters closed briefly while a lot of people who want to watch the game didn't get tickets. Here you hear that outside the ticket office, tickets may be sold for about  150,000. You immediately call the brokers to instantly sell tickets. You receive a cash ticket sales of  100,000 to  50,000 after cropped (if no Commission piece again). You can grab a profit of  70,000 from the capital of  30,000 in one day, awesome isn't it?

Up here you usually already understand and immediately attracted to speculation. Wait a minute, what if it was changed? Imagine if the next day turned out to be the rain. That day not many tickets are purchased. You make a call to the touts and said you are not so buy. All the money that has been deposited could not come back again. But all berpulang to you. Everyone has a fortune of each. Every investment there are risks and speculation, which is important you know and want to take the risk.